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December 10, 2024
ChatGPT & AI- for HUMAN RESOURCES Professionals (11-12 Januari 2025)

Keperluan Pembelajaran ChatGPT dan AI dalam Segmen Sumber Manusia (HR)

Teknologi AI seperti ChatGPT kini menjadi alat penting dalam sektor HR untuk menangani cabaran dinamik kerja moden. Berikut adalah keperluan utama pembelajaran ChatGPT dan AI dalam segmen ini:

1. Automasi Proses HR

HR menghadapi beban tugas rutin seperti penapisan resume, pengurusan cuti, dan pengurusan dokumen. Dengan AI, tugas ini dapat diautomasi untuk menjimatkan masa dan mengurangkan kesilapan manusia.

2. Peningkatan Pengalaman Pekerja (Employee Experience)

Pengalaman pekerja yang baik adalah kunci kepada penglibatan dan produktiviti. AI boleh digunakan untuk mencipta Employee Journey Maps yang lancar, menyediakan maklum balas masa nyata, dan menjawab pertanyaan pekerja melalui chatbot 24/7.

3. Pengambilan dan Pemilihan Berasaskan Data

Proses pengambilan pekerja kini memerlukan pendekatan yang cepat dan tepat. Dengan ChatGPT, HR boleh menggunakan analitik ramalan untuk menyaring calon yang sesuai, mengurangkan bias, dan mempermudah komunikasi dengan calon.

4. Penyesuaian Pembelajaran dan Pembangunan (L&D)

Setiap pekerja mempunyai keperluan pembelajaran yang unik. AI membolehkan HR merangka program pembelajaran yang diperibadikan, mengesan kemajuan, dan memberikan latihan yang relevan kepada pekerja.

5. Analisis Data untuk Pengambilan Keputusan

Dengan data HR yang besar dan kompleks, AI membantu menganalisis data ini untuk menghasilkan wawasan berguna seperti kadar pengekalan pekerja, trend produktiviti, dan risiko yang mungkin timbul.

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September 11, 2024

An e-Invoice is a digital representation of a transaction between a supplier and a buyer. e-Invoice replaces paper or electronic documents such as invoices, credit notes, and debit notes. An e-Invoice contains the same essential information as traditional document, for example, supplier’s and buyer’s details, item description, quantity, price excluding tax, tax, and total amount, which records transaction data for daily business operations.

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September 11, 2024

An e-Invoice is a digital representation of a transaction between a supplier and a buyer. e-Invoice replaces paper or electronic documents such as invoices, credit notes, and debit notes. An e-Invoice contains the same essential information as traditional document, for example, supplier’s and buyer’s details, item description, quantity, price excluding tax, tax, and total amount, which records transaction data for daily business operations.

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June 21, 2024

Ergonomics focuses on designing work environments and tasks to fit the physical capabilities and limitations of workers, thereby enhancing comfort, efficiency, and safety. Manual handling, a crucial aspect of ergonomics, involves the correct methods of lifting, carrying, pushing, and pulling objects to minimize the risk of injury. Effective ergonomic practices and proper manual handling techniques are essential to prevent musculoskeletal disorders and improve overall workplace well-being.

Employees should understand ergonomics and manual handling for several important reasons:

  1. Health and Safety: Knowledge of proper ergonomics and manual handling techniques helps prevent injuries, particularly musculoskeletal disorders, reducing the risk of strains, sprains, and long-term health issues.
  2. Efficiency and Productivity: Proper ergonomic practices enhance comfort and reduce fatigue, leading to increased productivity and efficiency in the workplace.
  3. Workplace Compliance: Understanding and implementing these practices ensures compliance with occupational health and safety regulations, reducing the likelihood of legal issues and fines.
  4. Employee Well-being: A safe and ergonomically sound workplace promotes overall well-being and job satisfaction, leading to higher morale and lower absenteeism.
  5. Cost Savings: Preventing injuries through proper ergonomics and manual handling reduces medical costs, compensation claims, and downtime, resulting in significant cost savings for both employees and employers.
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April 22, 2024

Dalam era baru yang serba pantas, kemahiran multitasking menjadi semakin penting bagi setiap individu dan organisasi. Objektif kursus selama satu hari untuk topik ini mencakupi:

  1. Pemahaman Konsep Multitasking: Memahami apa itu multitasking, jenis-jenisnya, dan bagaimana multitasking mempengaruhi produktiviti dan kualiti kerja.
  2. Teknik dan Strategi Multitasking yang Berkesan: Memperkenalkan kepada peserta teknik-teknik dan strategi-strategi yang dapat membantu mereka melakukan multitasking dengan lebih efektif. Ianya meliputi perkongsian tentang cara mengatur waktu, mengutamakan tugas, dan menguruskana gangguan.
  3. Pengurusan Waktu: Menyediakan peserta dengan pengetahuan dan alat-alat yang diperlukan untuk mengurus waktu dengan cekap, yang merupakan aspek penting bagi perlaksanaan multitasking yang berkesan.
  4. Pentingnya Fokus dan Konsentrasi: Pentingnya mempertahankan fokus dan konsentrasi semasa melakukan multitasking, serta cara-cara untuk menghindari kepenatan mental dan kehilangan produktiviti akibat terlalu banyak melakukan multitasking.
  5. Pengurusan Stres: Berkongsi strategi pengurusan stres yang dapat membantu peserta tetap tenang dan teratur ketika ketika takanan pekerjaan.
  6. Kesesuaian dengan Teknologi dan Alat Bantu: Menyediakan panduan tentang bagaimana menggunakan teknologi dan alat bantu yang tepat untuk meningkatkan keupayaan multitasking, seperti aplikasi pengurusan waktu dan lain lain

Dengan mengikuti kursus ini, peserta diharapkan dapat mengembangkan kemahiran multitasking yang berkesan untuk menghadapi tuntutan kerja yang kompleks dan cepat berubah di era baru ini.

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September 11, 2024
PACU Ai - Arif & Produktif Melalui ChatGPT & Kecerdasan Buatan (AI) (04-05 Nov 2024)

Melalui ChatGPT & Kecerdasan Buatan (AI) dirancang khusus untuk memenuhi
tuntutan dinamika kerja dalam sektor pekerjaan masa kini. Bengkel ini bertujuan untuk
membekalkan peserta dengan kemahiran dan pengetahuan terkini dalam penerapan
teknologi AI khususnya ChatGPT, untuk mengoptimumkan proses kerja,
meningkatkan efisiensi, dan menggalakkan inovasi dalam tugas-tugas harian.
Kami percaya, sumber manusia yang mempunyai kearifan dalam teknologi AI akan
menjadikan mereka sumber manusia yang produktif dan mampu memberi sumbangan
kepada organisasi.

Bengkel ini diharapkan dapat menjadi titik tolak bagi peserta untuk mengeksplorasi
dan memanfaatkan potensi penuh ChatGPT dan alat-alat AI terpilih dalam
mempercepat penyediaan maklumat, memperkaya proses pembuatan keputusan,
dan merangsang pembangunan idea kreatif yang akan membawa kepada
peningkatan produktiviti kerja yang berimpak tinggi. Kami mengajak anda untuk
menjadi sebahagian daripada transformasi ini, membuka lembaran baru dalam
perjalanan profesional anda dengan memanfaatkan kekuatan pembelajaran aktif dan
teknologi canggih.

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September 11, 2024
PACU Ai - Arif & Produktif Melalui ChatGPT & Kecerdasan Buatan (AI) (29-30 Okt 2024)

Melalui ChatGPT & Kecerdasan Buatan (AI) dirancang khusus untuk memenuhi
tuntutan dinamika kerja dalam sektor pekerjaan masa kini. Bengkel ini bertujuan untuk
membekalkan peserta dengan kemahiran dan pengetahuan terkini dalam penerapan
teknologi AI khususnya ChatGPT, untuk mengoptimumkan proses kerja,
meningkatkan efisiensi, dan menggalakkan inovasi dalam tugas-tugas harian.
Kami percaya, sumber manusia yang mempunyai kearifan dalam teknologi AI akan
menjadikan mereka sumber manusia yang produktif dan mampu memberi sumbangan
kepada organisasi.

Bengkel ini diharapkan dapat menjadi titik tolak bagi peserta untuk mengeksplorasi
dan memanfaatkan potensi penuh ChatGPT dan alat-alat AI terpilih dalam
mempercepat penyediaan maklumat, memperkaya proses pembuatan keputusan,
dan merangsang pembangunan idea kreatif yang akan membawa kepada
peningkatan produktiviti kerja yang berimpak tinggi. Kami mengajak anda untuk
menjadi sebahagian daripada transformasi ini, membuka lembaran baru dalam
perjalanan profesional anda dengan memanfaatkan kekuatan pembelajaran aktif dan
teknologi canggih.

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June 21, 2024

ePerolehan is an electronic procurement system that enables suppliers to offer products and services to the government via the internet.It also functions as main medium for supplier registration and renewal of the Ministry of Finance certificate.Electronic government applications are targeted towards cost, time and energy savings particularly when a 'paperless' work environment is fully implemented.

  1. A total end-to-end online transaction process which is faster and more efficient
  2. Offers self service facilities such as online registration for site visits and briefings, supplier reports and instructions on cancellation of delivery;
  3. Ease of communication between supplier and Government as contact can be made at any time or place;
  4. Learning about the eCommerce concept is made easier using ePerolehan as a business platform;
  5. Transactions and advertising of products and services are faster and more cost effective, leading to increased volume of purchase; and
  6. The efficiency and consistency of ePerolehan allow for more effective procurement planning by suppliers, as auto-generated processes reduce business operating costs due to quicker turnaround time.
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April 22, 2024

The objectives of a Supply Chain & Logistics Management course typically revolve around equipping participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively manage the flow of goods and services from the point of origin to the point of consumption.

By gaining knowledge in these areas, participants will be better equipped to design, implement, and manage efficient and resilient supply chains that meet the evolving needs of customers and stakeholders in today's dynamic business environment.

  1. Understanding Supply Chain Processes: Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of the various processes involved in supply chain management, including procurement, production, inventory management, transportation, and distribution. They will learn how these processes are interconnected and how they impact overall supply chain performance.
  2. Logistics Management Principles: The course will cover fundamental principles of logistics management, such as warehousing, transportation management, order fulfillment, and reverse logistics. Participants will learn how to optimize logistics processes to minimize costs, reduce lead times, and improve customer satisfaction.
  3. Supply Chain Optimization Techniques: Participants will be introduced to various optimization techniques and tools used in supply chain management, such as demand forecasting, inventory optimization, network design, and supply chain modeling. They will learn how to apply these techniques to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of supply chain operations.
  4. Risk Management and Resilience: The course will cover strategies for identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks in the supply chain, including disruptions due to natural disasters, geopolitical issues, supplier failures, and demand fluctuations. Participants will learn how to develop resilience strategies to ensure continuity of supply chain operations in the face of disruptions.
  5. Technology and Innovation in Supply Chain: Participants will explore the latest trends and technologies shaping the field of supply chain management, such as blockchain, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things (IoT), and predictive analytics. They will learn how these technologies can be leveraged to streamline processes, enhance visibility, and drive innovation in supply chain management.
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April 22, 2024

The main purpose of attending a Training Needs Analysis (TNA) course is to learn the skills and methodologies necessary to effectively assess the training needs within an organization or a specific team. Here's why it's important:

  1. Identifying Gaps: Through TNA, you learn how to identify gaps between current and desired performance levels within an organization. This ensures that training efforts are focused on areas where they are most needed, maximizing the impact of training initiatives.
  2. Tailoring Training Programs: By understanding the specific needs of employees or teams, you can tailor training programs to address those needs more effectively. This leads to better engagement and learning outcomes among participants.
  3. Resource Allocation: TNA helps in allocating resources efficiently by focusing on areas where training is most needed. It ensures that time, money, and effort are invested in training programs that will yield the greatest return on investment.
  4. Improving Performance: Through TNA, organizations can identify skill gaps and performance deficiencies, and then develop training programs to address them. This ultimately leads to improved performance and productivity across the organization.
  5. Meeting Organizational Goals: By aligning training initiatives with organizational goals and objectives, TNA ensures that training efforts contribute directly to the success of the organization.

Attending a TNA course equips individuals with the knowledge and skills to conduct thorough analyses, gather relevant data, and make informed decisions about training strategies and interventions. It's a crucial aspect of talent development and organizational effectiveness.

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December 28, 2023

Training needs analysis is an essential process in any organization. A properly performed training needs analysis will ensure that staff receive the most relevant training and deliver an immediate positive impact on your organization. Through the trainer’s expertise and practical knowledge, you will be able to define the key concepts associated with training needs analysis

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